COVID-19 Staff Recovery Program
Shared Inspiration is committed to supporting you to be well, thrive and flourish, wherever you are, especially in this troubling and uncertain time. To achieve this we have a variety of services to meet your needs.
Shared Inspiration will enable you to experience even more balance, peace, calm and impact in your life and work.
The COVID-19 Staff Recovery Program is Shared Inspiration's offering to help businesses and individuals alike.
Each part of the program is also offered as separate elements for those businesses or individuals who would prefer single elements.
Through experiential and interactive learning in addition to providing strategies to live a balanced life that manages transition and change you can benefit from our COVID-19 Staff Recovery Program.
Covid 19 Staff
Recovery Program
Shared Inspiration supports leaders, managers, organisations and individuals in two main ways during this time:
Firstly - To be able to manage themselves and others well in this challenging and continuing Covid 19 context and
Secondly - To be resilient and move forward doing their daily work effectively during Covid 19 and beyond
Shared Inspiration has a Three Part Recovery Program that creates an effective and sustainable way to support your staff which includes:
Transformative Coaching - 1 free coaching session for nominated members of staff
'The Manage yourself well in this time' resilience training Course
The 'GROW Model' training course to effect change for both themselves and others
One senior education leader in Bradford said:
"Shared Inspiration have supported us to understand our different states and anxieties at this present time. Less than 2 hours after our latest session I was able to draw upon my learning and put into practice their techniques to help regulate a learner who had gone into crisis. We will continue to apply this understanding to the people in our teams so that we are better equipped to support individuals to ensure there is a continuation of excellent provision, even though the situation with Covid is changing daily and we are in and out of bubbles isolating, lockdowns and a genuine fear of what will happen next.
Shared Inspiration also offers a Coaching Subscription Plan which compliments the Covid 19 Staff Recovery program with a package of additional coaching hours to suit the needs of you and your team
Manage Yourself Well In
This Time Training Course
We offer you transformative training to support staff transition back into the workplace. Through attending this Staff wellness, resilience, transition and change training you will:
Achieve greater peace and calm
Experience daily therapeutic practices for wellness
Personalise your transition back into the workplace
During this training you will experience:
Engaging activities to explore your state – your wholeness of being
Practical demonstrations and activities in therapeutic practices for wellness
Further ways to boost your resilience and ability to transition back into your workplace
Shared Inspiration supports you to be confident and self-assured. This empowers you to reach your desired outcomes by making small changes for maximum impact in your life and work.
Find greater peace, pleasure and purpose in your life and work through attending this training provided by Shared Inspiration expert training designers, who believe in you. This training takes place over one day or over two half days and can be provided face to face or in virtual groups.
GROW Model
Training Course
Through attending this GROW Coaching Model training, you will:
Answer the big question – ‘What is coaching?’
Discover how and when to use coaching to strengthen yourself and others
Explore the useful coaching model called GROW
Consider how coaching could be used best to support transition back into the workplace
During this training you will:
Engage in activities to understand the difference between coaching, therapy, and mentoring
Practise the GROW method of effective coaching
Plan for a well-formed outcome for yourself in your return to the workplace
Go forward in supportive peer coaching pairs/triads to ensure that you are robust in your return to the workplace
Shared Inspiration supports you to be confident and self-assured. This empowers you to reach your desired outcomes by making small changes for maximum impact in your life and work. Be well, thrive and flourish in your life and work through attending this Staff Training - GROW Coaching Model training provided by Shared Inspiration expert training designers, who believe in you. Participants receive a Shared Inspiration Certificate in GROW Coaching Practice.
This training takes place over one day or over two half days and can be provided face to face or in virtual groups.
Transformative Coaching
The emphasis is always on empowering you to reach your desired outcomes and make the changes you want in your life and work. Shared Inspiration support you by:
Matching you to a coach who is experienced and qualified
Establishing your context
Coaching needs analysis
Starting with the end in mind – your ‘well-formed outcome’
Setting your desirable outcomes
Sharing a wide variety of tools and techniques for excellence
‘State’ management and behaviour change
Mental rehearsal – inner resilience
The Enneagram – 9 personality types – become even more aware of yourself and others
Deepen your self-awareness and become even more ‘present’
The COVID-19 Staff Recovery Program includes 1 coaching session per delegate

Benefits for you
Through Shared Inspiration COVID-19 Staff Recovery Program you will have the opportunity to benefit from:
Being the leader of your own life
Managing your state even more effectively
Being even more productive
Making small changes that give maximum impact
Further developing your self-awareness
Understanding others even better
Enhancing your relationships – personal and professional
Accelerating your development
Identifying your strengths and making the best use of them
Enjoying learning even more – thrive and flourish
Powerfully applying your gifts, skills and talents
Realising even greater wisdom and understanding in your own life
Creating high performing teams
Learn more about how you can benefit from the Recovery Program by booking a call with Shared Inspiration below.
Clients find that support provided by Shared Inspiration empowers them to make small changes that give maximum impact.
Tools and techniques shared have been used to impact on individual and organisational growth, including improving communications, confidence, relationships, performance management and effective leadership and management of change.
Not sure what service is right for you? Just get in touch - we'd love to talk to you and help guide you to the perfect option.